with Master Stephen Co
Techniques for Health, Happiness and Prosperity
We all have the innate ability to tune into and channel our own life force. Why is this important? Because everything is made up of energy. From our physical bodies, to our thoughts and emotions, they all need energy to help us realize our desire of good health, happiness, success and fulfillment!
Tapping into this inner power doesn’t have to be intimidating. Master Co will guide you step by step in understanding your energetic anatomy and learning to use energy to increase your overall healthy and vitality. Applying the techniques you learn will help you to address such issues as: alleviating stress, disconnecting from negative people/situations, relieving pain and other common health issues, as well as not getting drained and increasing your vitality.
In this practical and experiential introduction to Pranic Healing, Master Co will share the principles and techniques that serve as a foundation to harnessing this universal life energy to create good health, happiness and abundance.
Some of what Master Co will share in this live ‘hands-on’ session:
Energetic Techniques to Rejuvenate yourself as you help others
Boost your energy level to be more effective & productive in your life and career
Learn Energy Hygiene so you can help others without taking on their 'diseased energies'
Space Clearing: Purify your work and home space of negativity
Easy to learn, step-by-step protocols for keeping your Life Force at optimum levels
Be guided in a mini-self healing session with Master Co
Don't miss this workshop with Master Co. Discover how to manage your energy and maintain a high state of emotional, mental and physical vitality on a daily basis.
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